Monday, July 27, 2009

A Successful Failure

Given that I was supposed to be arriving at my hostel in Venice around now, this post seems like slightly bitter irony since I had planned not to check email for the remainder of the week. But no, I arrived at the Paris-Orly airport this evening only to be informed that the airline for all effective purposes, no longer existed (this from a representative of alyzia, as myair has no representative, or counter for that matter) No flights had arrived from Venice to Paris since last Wednesday.

I had decided to leave the camera behind, given a certain ambiguity about my accommodation at "Bangkok House" ( a mixed dorm, I think--They never answered my emails and from our phone conversation, seemed to speak minimal English-- I was worried for Baby's safety.). I was nonetheless stoked to focus my efforts on sound, bringing along my entire bag of goodies. I planned to be wearing headphones throughout my sojourn.

And so I'm online again, debating whether to take this as a sign to stay in Paris, consigning myself to the dungeon of the Mitterand bibliotheque (the "pine trees" in the inaccessible garden are actually chained) or as an opportunity to try yet again another budget airline and different accommodation for a visit in mid-August.

And should I bring Baby along this time round?

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