Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Hi all,
So here is a quick recap of where I'm at.

I arrived back in Beirut on June 16th after a festive graduation for George (my partner) and a trip back to MT to see family and my brother's wedding. Not two days after returning back to Lebanon I went on a research trip with a tourist group to Syria for 5 days – was fruitful. After returning back to Beirut and getting settled in I've been getting into shooting...albeit, slowly.

It is hard being back in a place where I know so many people – and feel like I have another life – and then buckling down to do these shoots within these short 8 weeks. Perhaps this is the blessing and the curse. As far as my project I have started shooting in a few gyms but the footage just isn't that interesting so far. I've done lots of sound recording with the Tascam in cinemas and am starting to capture some city scapes and seeing what will inspire me further.

Technically I've been blessed with George's new camera which he just got for commerial work. It turns out that it can shoot HD footage at a much better quality than the DV tapes I brought. (5616x3744 and 21 mp for those that are technically inclined). The camera looks like a normal 35mm – which is the real blessing. There hasn't been much political turmoil this year but Lebanon is still a sensitive place to capture images. I've already been stopped numerous times with the small camera and many public spaces would be out of the question with the larger camera here. Beyond the stealth qualities of the camera I've been enjoying how it producing excellent controls with depth of field and also its ability to capture in lowlight – (which for some “cinema” shooting might payoff). I also cherish the ability to upload the footage to the computer and see exactly what I have – and more than anything, my mistakes and missteps which are foundational in how I then reapproach the next day's shooting. I will post some stills of shots in afew days when I go through and organize everything. Headed up north to the village for some family obligations right now. Oh yeah, the size of the camera also will allow for easy shooting in Syria too. Headed over next week and will play around -- although I don't want to get taken too off track.

I also must apologize as I have responded to few postings thus far. I've gotten them all and read them but haven't had much time to get back to you. It is crazy to think how quickly time is passing.


1 comment:

  1. A Red One camera, I'm guesing? Ok, I'm envious. Sounds really cool! I have so many questions, but I will wait until the Fall.

    Nice hearing from you and glad to hear things are working out!
